
pavleheidler (they/them) has been dancing-performing, studying, writing, and teaching dancing professionally since early teenage-hood; inevitably considering their varied engagements with the field of experimental dancing and choreography–where choreography is understood to be an expanded practice–as opportunities to continue studying the notion and the practice of (0) embodiment, (1) expression, (2) performativity, (3) relativity/relationality, and (4) successful communication.
on a rare occasion i am asked to talk about my “career”, i like to say that whatever my “career” is is “careering” in reverse. i started dancing for the television at the age of nine. i moved to the theatre looking for artistic complexity at the age of twelve and toured extensively before i was sixteen. i was lucky to have started touring at the time when to perform at a festival meant arriving before the festival begun and leaving after it ended, when performing at a festival meant spending an absurd amount of time hanging out with strangers, sometimes in tents, all of whose work you’ve gotten to see, sometimes more than once. i was lucky to have experienced touring at an age at which i wasn’t expected to network, and was allowed to immerse almost indulge myself in admiration of people’s creativity for no reasonable… reason. (luck could have had nothing to do with it. i might have been at a mercy of whoever decided––and for whatever reason––to call me “talented;” but that’s a more complicated story, difficult to “express” in just a few words.) by the time i started studying dancing at a higher level and maybe because i did, my appetites transmogrified: migrating first through the world of the improvisational and experimental, calibrating eventually relative to the realm of practice, ongoing study, long-term relationship, SF-quantum-hyperreality, trans-disciplinarity, and academic, artistic, and pedagogic activism where things made are only ever a byproduct of a temporarily justifiable intra-action.
pavleheidler is the recipient of the 2018 International Choreographer’s Stipend awarded annually to a Swedish dance artist by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.