Ann Hageus
Ann is a freelance clown, and as Annity she performs everywhere, from the circus, to theaters, festivals, on television, and at private parties. She has also worked in organizations dealing with women and children’s rights, including ECPAT, UNIFEM, and as Executive Director of the Women’s Shelter in Taby, and is bringing that knowledge and applying it to her clown work. As an example, Ann is part of Clowns Without Borders, an organization having shows for refugees in Sverige and around the world.
Ann started in the circus and has gone to professional circus school at École au Carré in Paris. She has also taken clown/physical comedy courses in Stockholm, Paris, New York, Austria, and Florence.
The clown Annity is a circus artist who manages to perform all circus disciplines in her own creative way, including juggling, acrobatics, and hula hoop, and she is a splendid violin player. She loves to travel and live in her circus caravan, and from it glances out over the beautiful big top, where she loves to perform. Annity performs solo in the circus ring, but quite often she needs the help of a partner from the audience…. But where ever she is, in a classroom or at a refugee camp, she always brings her circus, or at least the sense of it!